
I'm Michelle, a Game Designer and Game Artist with a bachelor degree in Design and more than 6 years of experience. I'm based in Berlin, Germany. You can reach me at: michieoliveira@gmail.com

Ezra Game/ Ezra and Alex Game

 Ezra is an educational game aimed to teach school students about politic rights and community, it won the Computerspielpreis in 2022 in the category Serious Game. I had the pleasure of working in the first game called Ezra and on their second project Ezra and Alex. In both products I worked on the characters design, their in game different expressions and respective animations. There was a previous character designer when I joined the team and I had to follow the art direction established by them.  The games were developed by Kijufi  -Landesverband Kinder- und Jugendfilm Berlin e. V.

Below there's a Ezra first game character exploration example. The final design for all characters followed feedbacks from my team and also from school students:

Some arts for Ezra and Alex: